September 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 12:47 PM

GrandStaff Piano Studio

September 2019 Piano News

Welcome all new students!  We are pleased to have you join our musical family!

We hope all of you have enjoyed a great summer!  We are very pleased at how well everyone is doing.  Summer is a good time to make a lot of progress.

Important!   Make note of your new Group Theory day and time and other exciting Fall events coming up!

No lessons on Monday Sept. 2nd—Labor Day-GSPS is closed.


Fall Schedule

Our Group Theory Class schedule remains the same:  2nd and 3rd Wed. @ 5:30 PM

KinderKeys—our Preschool Musical Kindergarten for ages 3-4-5 yr. olds will begin Thursday Sept. 12th at 1 PM.  Classes are limited so be sure to register now!

Keyboard Adventures begins Thursday Sept. 12th at 5:00 PM. Be sure to ask about this exciting group program for ages 5-6-7.  It is a delightfully fun, interactive program for those younger children completing the KinderKeys program who need an introductory program for piano and violin-but not quite ready for one-on-one individual lessons.

Kadence will again be teaching violin lessons.  Let us know if your young person is interested!

Piano Explorer:  Please include $12 per student with your Sept. tuition for Piano Explorer Magazine annual subscriptions.  Every student must have one for Group Theory Class.  Thank you!

Competitions   Ask your teacher about preparing a song for our Fall competitions in November. Please mark your calendars now and encourage your young person to press forward to be ready.

Piano Performance Party:  Sat. Nov. 9th @11:00 AM  (K-1-2)

Junior Div.  Sat. Nov. 9th @ 12:30 PM (Gr. 3-4-5)


Senior Div. Sat. Nov. 16th @1 PM  (Gr. 6-12)  All events at Jacobs Music,

Doylestown, Pa. (maps available). Ask your teacher about preparing a song.






Piano Practice 100-Day Challenge!  

GrandStaff Piano Studio announces the 100-Day Challenge!

Our students are practicing for 100 consecutive days to be eligible for the Pizza Party and have their names submitted to the Piano Explorer magazine.  The Challenge begins Monday Sept 30th and ends

Jan 14th, 2020. 

 There will be games and prizes at the Pizza Party on Sat. Feb.8th 2020 for the students that have successfully completed the 100 Day Challenge.

Good Luck!


Thank You for allowing us to have a part in your children’s music education.  We love teaching them!

                   Judy and the GrandStaff