October 2019

Saturday, September 28, 2019 7:30 AM

                                                     GrandStaff Piano Studio

                                       OCTOBER 2019  Piano News


Many exciting events are coming up soon so please read your Newsletter carefully and mark your calendar.  First of course is Group Theory.  Plan ahead, so that if you have a conflict, you may attend another group.

COLUMBUS DAY –The Studio will be OPEN for Columbus Day Oct. 14th.  Thanks!

Competitions!  Our November Competitions and Performance Party are rapidly approaching!  We hope you’ll be participating!  Please note the dates!   Performance Party is Sat. Nov.9th at 11 AM and

Jr. Div. is Sat. Nov. 9th at 12:30 PM.  PPP and Junior Division will be at the new Jacobs Music in Doylestown. 

Senior Division will be Saturday Nov. 16th and will be held at the new Jacobs Music in Doylestown at 1 PM   Judy has maps available in the Music Room   Having an event to prepare for is a great motivational tool for your young person.  It’s fun and teaches them performing skills.  Be sure to be a part of the fun.

If you are new and you are wondering what this is all about, please plan on attending one of the Competitions so you can understand and find out about all the fun and excitement. You’ll enjoy it and it will greatly motivate your young person.

   To those participating, please remember there is a $8.00 fee per song that is performed to help us pay our judges and auditorium rentals. You may pay this fee with your November Piano Tuition. Every participant should request a “Competition Preparation” sheet.  Also, please be sure you report all songs being played to your teacher so we can get them printed on the “program.”

Violin (Strings) Instruction   Kadence is our Violin instructor.  Please see Judy for details.

Piano Purchase:  Many of you have asked us about buying a piano.  Please be careful about buying pianos from the classifieds.  We will always refer you to a good reputable dealer 

and encourage the purchase of a good instrument.   Wow-what a great Christmas present for the family! 

There are lots of great pianos at Jacobs Music. (Also ask about a rental program)


Piano Practice 100-Day Challenge!  

GrandStaff Piano Studio announces the 100-Day Challenge!

Our students are practicing for 100 consecutive days to be eligible for the Pizza Party and have their names submitted to the Piano Explorer magazine. The Challenge begins Sept. 30th and ends January 14th,2020.   There will be games and prizes at the Pizza Party on Sat. Feb 8, 2020!    Good Luck!  

Practice Practice Practice Be sure to help your young person maintain their practice time at home by scheduling specific times for practice.  Right after supper is great because no play time is being interrupted and its easy to go right to the piano while everyone is gathered together.  Appreciation for their efforts can then be expressed easily and requests can be made for favorite songs.                       

Christmas! We will begin Christmas music this month, so if you have unfinished books from last year, bring them in.  We will also have a very comprehensive selection of Christmas and supplementary music available in the office.  These books make great Christmas gifts or they are very useful as motivational tools for your young person.  Have a look!                                                                                   

Be sure to have your young person attend Group Theory this month!  Thanks!

                          Happy Fall!  Isn’t the cooler weather great! 

                               We love teaching piano!

                                  Judy and The Staff