May 2021
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:06 PM
The GrandStaff Piano Studio
MAY 2021 Piano News
Piano Performance Party and Competitions:
Piano Performance Party (Preschool through 2nd Grade) is Sat. May 8th at 10:00 AM at Highland Park Camp-Sellersville-New location!
Junior Division Competition: (Grades 3-7) is Sat. May 8th at 11:00 PM at Highland Park Camp-Sellersville-New location!
Senior Division Competition (Grades 8 thru 12) is Sat. May 8th at 1:00 PM. at Highland Park Camp-Sellersville-New location!
Be sure to join us and share this exciting day of beautiful music. Competition is a “dress-up” event. Shirts with collars for the young gentlemen (ties preferred); conservative dresses for the young ladies. (NO jeans or sneakers, please) Thank you for your cooperation.
Each performer will need three copies of their songs with the measures numbered. Bring the copies to Competition. You give one copy to each judge. There is a $8.00 fee per song that helps to pay our judges. Please include with May tuition.
Come early to warm up on the piano and avoid the last second rush. Our Competitions are well attended but there will be seating for many visitors. So invite all your friends, neighbors, relatives—there will be lots of room and refreshments! We have maps with directions-ask us!
Memorial Day There are 5 Mondays in May. We will be CLOSED on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st to observe the Holiday. Thank you.
Vacations: An important word about vacations: Please let us know when you will be away. The Studio is open ALL summer except July 4-9th. Reopening Monday July 12th. Our tuition fee schedule does not change, even if you are away for more than one week since we do not charge for extra lessons taught during the year on 5-lesson months.
Thank you!
Fall Competitions Our Fall Competitions will be in November so selections of music should be taking place now. Be sure to participate in this exciting preparation process so your young person will be aware of your interest and encouragement of their efforts. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement--be practicing diligently over the summer!
Summer Piano practice! Summer is a great time to advance in Piano since homework and sports won’t be making demands on the student’s time. Morning practice is good, leaving the rest of the day for the pool, etc. Important things get done if they are scheduled.
When you are at home, maintain a regular practice schedule. When you are away, take along a portable keyboard, flashcards and extra note-speller books. You can have fun and make a game out of using these things. Ask us for flashcards and speller books-- we have lots of them and we have books with Music games in them that we can copy. Show interest, be positive and enthusiastic.
Offer to take your young person to the Music store (Young’s Allentown, Jacobs, Sam Ash, etc.) and let them shop for Classical or Sacred music pieces, CD’s, or sheet music. It’s inexpensive and your young person will be thrilled. Also, take them to an outdoor band or orchestra concert over the summer if available. Music is such a wholesome and comforting interest for anyone.
Take advantage of the lazy days of summer to experience some of these outings with your children!
Thank You for your help and support in all of these matters. Music is exciting and fulfilling. Our goal is to enrich and beautify our student’s lives with the lifetime joy of music!
We love teaching your children!
The Grand Staff!