October 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 2:35 PM
GrandStaff Piano Studio
OCTOBER 2021 Piano News
Masking: Many thanks to our wonderful teachers, all our faithful music studio families and cooperation with all health and safety recommendations.
Welcome to all new students! We are pleased to have you join our musical family!
We hope all of you are enjoying the cooler Autumn weather and falling into a regular routine of piano practice in spite of all the challenges and circumstances.
Tuition Fee notice: Reminder
Effective September 2021 monthly tuition fee will be $80 for the first child in the family and will remain at $75 for the second child. For students taking a 45-minute lesson tuition will be $120 per month.
Please be reminded that tuition is due on or before the first lesson of the month.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness and understanding!
Fall Schedule Our Group Theory Class is temporarily suspended. We hope to be able to resume groups next Spring.
Thank you for understanding.
COLUMBUS DAY –The Studio will be OPEN for Columbus Day Oct. 11th. Thanks!
Competitions The dates for Fall Competitions have been set. Please mark your calendars now and encourage your young person to press forward to be ready.
Piano Performance Party: (K-1-2) Sat. Nov.13th @10:00 AM
Junior Div. (3-4-5) Sat. Nov. 13th at 11 AM (Gr. 3-4-5)
Senior Div. Sat. Nov. 13th @1 PM (Gr. 6-12)
All events at Highland Park Camp Hall, Sellersville, Pa. (maps available). Ask your teacher about preparing a song.
Piano Purchase: Some of you have asked us about buying a piano. Please be careful about buying pianos from theclassifieds. We will always refer you to a good reputable dealer
and encourage the purchase of a good instrument. Wow-what a great Christmas present for the family!
There are lots of great pianos at Jacobs Music. (Also ask about a rental program)
Instruments For Sale: We have an excellent Drum set, Electric guitar and amp; Trumpet, Mandolin, and Flute for sale-all priced very reasonably. Ask J R
Piano Practice: 100-Day Challenge!
GrandStaff Piano Studio 100 Day Challenge is on hold but will be conducted later on in the semester if possible. Our students practice for 100 consecutive days to be eligible for a Pizza Party with prizes and games-and have their names submitted to the Piano Explorer magazine. (If possible) The Challenge dates will be announced later in the Fall. Remember-Practice does not make perfect-Perfect practice makes perfect!
Practice Practice Practice Be sure to help your young person maintain their practice time at home by scheduling specific times for practice. Right after supper is great because no play time is being interrupted and its easy to go right to the piano while everyone is gathered together. Appreciation for their efforts can then be expressed easily and requests can be made for favorite songs.
Christmas! We will begin Christmas music this month, so if you have unfinished books from last year, bring them in. We will also have a very comprehensive selection of Christmas and supplementary music available in the office. These books make great Christmas gifts or they are very useful as motivational tools for your young person. Have a look! Thanks!
Happy Fall! Isn’t the cooler weather great!
We love teaching piano!
The GrandStaff