December 2023

Sunday, December 3, 2023 10:02 AM

GrandStaff Piano Studio

 DECEMBER 2023 Piano News

Studio CLOSED: Christmas vacation will be from Monday Dec. 25 thru Monday January 1st. Lessons resume Tuesday Jan. 2nd, 2024.

Please be reminded that no extra charge is made for the months when there are five lessons. Tuition remains the same each month. Thank you so much.

Congratulations to all who participated in the Holiday Piano Performance Festival on Saturday Nov. 4th.. We are so glad after months of hard practice!

We are so proud of you! Thank you again to all the parents and volunteers who worked so hard to make the event possible.


Shoppers--A piano is a lifetime investment and a great Christmas gift! Ask us for more information regarding piano purchases. Piano Tuning Time It’s important to have your Piano tuned now that it’s heating season. We can refer you to local tuners.


Holiday Musicals, etc. As we approach the holiday season, there are still opportunities to attend musical presentations. “The Nutcracker” is one in particular that everyone should see, plus many choral groups present “The Messiah and several churches in the area present Christmas Cantatas or pageants

Please take advantage of as many of these opportunities as possible. Your family will be greatly enriched by these cultural experiences—and it will make Christmas more meaningful and special. Establish a family tradition of going to a specific event every year. The children look forward to it and it can be viewed as part of their Christmas gift.

Enjoy the holidays but please try to maintain your piano practice schedule as much as possible. Students regress if daily practice is not encouraged. A great idea is to

organize a family concert and carol sing starring your young person. An “open house”

with background music by the pianist(s) in your home is nice. Showcase their talent

and hard work!

Merry Christmas and a Happy Musical New Year 2024 to all!

We want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy holiday season as we thank God for the Gift of Music and His most precious gift to us, His Son, Jesus; and as we look forward to the New Year, we wish all of you and your families God’s Richest Blessings!

We love teaching your children!

the GrandStaff

For the common things of every day, God gave man speech in a common way;

For the deeper things man thinks and feels, God gave the poet words to reveal;

But for the heights and depths that know no reach, God gave music, the soul’s own speech.