March 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024 10:22 PM


MARCH 2024 Newsletter


Easter Monday-April 1st-Studio will be open.


Competitions! Our Spring Piano Competitions and Performances are in May! The Piano Performance Party (for Pre-school thru 2nd grade) is Sat. May 4th at 10:00 AM. The Junior Division Performancesare Sat. May 4th at 11:00 AM for 3rd-5th graders. Both will be at the Highland Park Camp Hall in Sellersville.

Our Senior Division Competition (6th Grade and up) is Sat. May 4th at 12:30 PM at the Highland Park Camp Hall in Sellersville. Note: (Junior and Senior Divisions will be judged events).

Be sure your young person is involved and working hard. Remember the work that is done to prepare for Competition Performances results in great strides forward in our skills.

Plan now to attend-participate-and invite! What fun! Be a part of all the fun and motivational events we have at GrandStaff Studio. Your young person will benefit greatly!

A wise comment was made about Competition: ”It’s not so very important how a student does at Competition that matters, but the preparation leading up to it.” In other words, greater advancement is made in our piano skills as we prepare for our performance. We all need goals and reasons to strive toward our goal. Competition provides that.

Piano Tuning Have you had your piano tuned lately? Spring is one of the best times to have it done. Do you have a metronome and a music dictionary? We can help! Ask for tuners names and numbers. We have catalogs for metronomes and we have dictionaries here available or we can recommend a good music store where you can choose your own.

Why learn to play piano? Besides learning beautiful music, piano lessons help build and strengthen coordination, verbal abilities, and abstract reasoning skills.

 Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and Springtime to all!

 Be a part of all the excitement and fun!

 We love teaching your children!

 The GrandStaff